Luana Rose Luana Rose

People Pleasing In Relationships For Men

There's this myth that woman are the only people pleasers on earth. Men simply benefit from women being people pleasers for centuries but this is simply not true. We cannot give credit to just one gender. In my experience men are secretly on the same boat!

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Luana Rose Luana Rose

What Are Bad Boundaries?

Most importantly boundaries are about connection and separateness. It allows us to open up and bring things in to share an experience and separate, to have space and define this is me, that i them so that not everything is coming at you and becoming who you are.

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Luana Rose Luana Rose

How Trauma Affects the Brain

In this video I teach about the 3 main parts of our brain:
1. The brainstem
2. The limbic brain
3.The higher thinking brain
If overwhelming experiences happen our brain cannot develop properly nor can it function properly causing mental and physical dis-eases. If you've ever wondered why we cannot heal trauma by simply talking about it you don't want to miss this video.

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Luana Rose Luana Rose

How To Help Our World Heal From Racism

When a person of colour experiences a lifetime of racism it often shows up in our body as shame. The somatic physiological experience of 'I'm not worthy enough, I'm not good enough, I'm unlovable, I'm unacceptable because of the colour of my skin' can be a lifetime source of ongoing suffering.

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