Free Tools and Resources
To Transform Your Relationships and Nervous System
Welcome to a treasure trove of free trainings, tools and articles designed to help you better understand yourself, your relationships, trauma healing and your nervous system.
These resources are completely free to access—just subscribe or click below to get started.
5 Minute Apology
Learn how to repair trust and reconnection in your relationships.
This free series for couples and individuals covers:
The art of a true apology
Why some apologies fail and how to fix them
How to create deeper understanding and repair after conflict
Are You
Dysregulated Quiz
Discover what your nervous ssytem is trying to tell you
This quick quiz will help you identify signs of dysregulation and provide insight on how your nervous system influences your life.
7 Common
Abandonment Wounds
Explore how childhood experiences shape your health and adult relationships.
This article dives deep into common abandonment wounds and offers strategies to heal and move forward.
Learn to Identify Attachment Styles in TV & Movies
Decode the relationships on screen to better understand your own.
This article breaks down attachment dynamics using popular TV shows and films, helping you spot patterns in your life.
If you’re in danger or thinking of hurting yourself please read this.