How To Create Secure Attachment

I've been working through an attachment lense in my programs and 1:1 practice for a few years and it's changed people's progress tenfold. Secure attachment is basically attunement, it reflects a positive enough environment that creates and engenders trust in a relationship. I want you to know that these 8 practical tips will start to help you shift how you show up in your relationships and how you can elicit a sense of secure attachment within your relationships whether that be platonic or romantic. Take a watch and leave a comment telling me the skill you are going to practice and integrate into your life starting today!

Luana Rose

Luana believes life is too short to wake up feeling lonely and hopeless. She’s a Nervous System Specialist & Founder of the Good Human Academy.
Her approach to healing childhood trauma is through an attachment, body and social justice approach. She loves teaching empathetic leaders how to heal their bodies so they can shape our culture.
Her online programs have reached 2000+ people in over 35 countries worldwide.
When she’s not seeing private clients on zoom or creating Youtube videos for her channel, you can find her being an auntie, getting her heart rate up in nature or roasting something on a campfire.

What Attachment Style Is Your Date?


Self-Regulation Explained.