Holistic Pelvic Care®
What Is Holistic Pelvic Care®?
The future of women’s health — The Holistic Pelvic Care™ I practice is a gentle form of external pelvic floor bodywork that was founded by Tami Kent, a Portland-based women’s health physical therapist. HPC™ is similar to traditional physical therapy in that it addresses the physical aspects of pelvic floor imbalance, but it brings with it a deeper understanding of health and balance at the root of a woman’s equilibrium: her pelvis. The pelvis, or “womb-space” is an energetically and emotionally receptive core area of our bodies, as people with a uterus. Not only do we hold our own personal stories here, we hold the stories of our sisters, our mothers, and our cultural and ancestral heritage from women before us. To enter into the “womb-space” and invite a healing intention is to heal not only your own personal story, but everyone who came before you and who will come after you.
From a physical standpoint, just as other major muscles of the body can become tightened, stressed and imbalanced from overwork, so too can the internal muscles of the pelvic bowl become imbalanced from illness, stress, or trauma (either your own, or something you are carrying that belongs to someone else). As we restore balance in the muscles you will also experience shifts in hormones, blood and lymph flow, and most commonly, emotions. As traditional cultures tell us, and as my patients affirm- when our uterus is in proper alignment within our bodies, so is our entire being in alignment with Spirit.
Who can benefit from Holistic Pelvic Care®?
Any woman who is looking to reestablish health and balance within, or a connection to her pelvic bowl, or is simply seeking to nurture her female body in a holistic way, may benefit from one or more sessions. Specific issues that may be aided by
Holistic Pelvic Care™ include (but are not limited to):
Painful sexual activity, intercourse, or sexual dysfunction
Myofascial Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Urinary leakage or incontinence
Organ prolapse
Chronic bladder or vaginal infections
Rectocele/ cystocele
Healing after a hysterectomy
Fertility support and pregnancy preparation
Copper IUD support
Postpartum complaints and recovery, including c-section births, vaginal tearing, and episiotomy
Healing after miscarriage, pregnancy loss or abortion
Pelvic congestion
Falls to the tailbone
Menstrual pain and endometriosis
Menopausal complaints
History of pelvic trauma or abuse
Cervical Cancer
The energy of the uterus reminds us of our innate creative potential as women. We can use it to align our own creative energies and to understand the nuances of the greater patterns of creative flow in our lives. When something appears as creative stagnation, focussing on the centre can assist us in determining whether there’s an imbalance in our energy. Attuning to the centre increases our alignment with our own inner cycles and allows us to be in sync with the creative whole.
Tami-Lynn Kent, Founder of Holistic Pelvic Care® and Author of the Wild Feminine
Frequently Asked Questions
Certainly ~ I do HPC Sessions online all over the world. Much like Intentional Touch women get a lot out of these session, even if it's as simple as supporting the hard working organ's during moontime.
Generally, you can expect anywhere from 3-6 sessions depending on your treatment goals and history.
Holistic Pelvic Care™ can be done during your period. In fact, it can be a great time to connect with yourself and get some good information during the session. Because I practice external or Holistic Pelvic Care™ online it can be done during pregnancy. Typically these sessions are dedicated to supporting your pelvic bowl -- as it is working so hard to create and sustain new life. Forming a special connection with your baby and preparing for birth.
Sessions are available on Zoom or in-person and are $150 usd ($189 cad) per 75 minute session.