6 Things No One Tells You About Surgery
Almost 500,000 surgeries are completed on a yearly basis in Canada. Our bodies will often store unresolved stress from surgery which can hinder our health and recovery. If you are reading this and are struggling with recovering after surgery or have mysterious symptoms just know that it's never too late to heal.
7 Common Abandonment Wounds That Happen In Childhood
Before we get started let’s do a brief overview of how healthy attachment is supposed to develop in our childhood: A child is supposed to receive predictable, consistently warm, emotionally attuned and available communication from caregivers.
Learn How To Identify Attachment Styles In Popular TV Shows and Movies
Here’s your mini guide to understanding attachment dynamics from the comfort of your own couch. With 10 self-inquiry questions and 20 TV and Movie suggestions you’ll be well on your way to understanding the dance of attachment and relationships.
Trusting Yourself Through A Break-Up
One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make is the decision to leave a relationship. 2020 was a year of divorce and breakups for most of my clients. If we don’t learn anything from the relationship then I think it’s fair to say that we failed. We failed to learn, heal and evolve.