What Does Stress Have To Do With Migraines?
The problem is migraines can be completely debilitating, they seemingly come out of nowhere and can wipe you out for the morning or for a few days. When it comes to the people I work with I keep getting more and more folks who are suffering from chronic migraines.
What’s the difference between overwhelm and activation?
It's a very real thing to be scared of intense emotions and bodily sensations. I've found with the people I work with this is a common thing -- that feeling of a snowball affect like if I let myself cry I will never stop because there's so much sadness and pain in here -- it's scary to face it.
How Misattunement Leads To Low Self-Worth
Self-worth is based on our inherent value as a human. The simple fact that you were born and are here on this earth means you are worthy of belonging, acceptance and respect. Our worth is not determined on your actions, the success or failures you've had in life or what the other people around you are doing.
What’s Your Attachment Style? Part 2
In this video I briefly cover secure attachment and go in-depth on disorganized attachment. I've found that a lot of the people I work with, when it comes to relationships at work, friendships, family and romantic relationships repeat the same dynamics they had in childhood with their primary caregivers.