Luana Rose Luana Rose

How To Become Emotionally Mature

To avoid slipping into victimhood and feeling out of control learn the first step to cultivating emotional maturity in this video. It's a skill that we are rarely taught yet it's essential for happiness and health!

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Luana Rose Luana Rose

I went to Stephen Terrell's Transforming The Experienced Based Brain Training & this is how it went

According to the Austin Attachment Centre TEB is a one of a kind biophysiological approach to working with adults and children who have experienced Developmental Trauma. The curriculum teaches helping professionals a set of protocols building somatic trust in our client's bodies. Dr. Stephen Terrell's approach is through the lense of sitting with the client not trying to fix our clients.

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Luana Rose Luana Rose

3 Simple Somatic Self-Soothing Practices For Overwhelm

Have you been craving some practical somatic tools to self-soothe from overwhelm? Well you're not alone. During 2020 and early 2021 Gallup, a large polling company, set out to find out the mood of the world with a Global Emotions Report, surveying 160,000 people in 116 countries. The survey included emotions that cause overwhelm like stress, anger, worry, anxiousness and fear.

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