What is the Window of Tolerance? How Accumulated Stress Causes Mental Illness.
Back in 1999 Dr. Daniel Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and executive director of the Mindsight Institute developed the Window of Tolerence which has changed the way we look at the brain, body, attachment and relationships.
Fight, flight, freeze stress response -another lockdown, another week in the freeze stress response.
There’s no running away from the pandemic so our physiology needs to respond in some way. For many good humans it's the last resort - freeze or fawn. In this video I talk about something everyone’s struggled with but no one’s talking about
What’s the difference between big T trauma and little T trauma?
Little T trauma's are like episodic experiences over one's lifetime. By episodic I mean like Grey's Anatomy, there are many seasons and even more episodes that are baked into the individuals life. This accumulated stress can be just as detrimental to an individuals well being as Big T traumas.
Healing from childhood trauma should be boring. Here’s why …
So many good humans get caught up in the paradigm of our 'problem - solution' healthcare system but it doesn't have to be that way. If healing childhood trauma isn't boring it tends to be overwhelming and too much for a system that's already in survival mode.